B4B Sell Back Hubs

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The B4B Buyback Hub Experience


Bring your used textbooks into a B4B Hub near you and a friendly Bucks4Books Staff Member will scan your books & give you an instant price quote.


Then, simply tell the B4B Staff Member if you would like to sell back your books at the given price.


If yes, we will check in your books and add any additional promo bonuses that you may have from a Group Fundraiser or Campus Rep.


If a coupon code wasn't used, you may then choose an organization you would like to have a % of your book sell back donated to through the B4B Fund.


Once this is selected, the B4B Staff Member will pay you cash for your books and your transaction is complete!

If we are not currently buying your books back, you can still put them to good use by dropping them off in our B4B Recycle Bin, where they will be donated to literacy programs across the globe!